How I Fell In Love With An Addict ; From The Beginning

Ive been sharing a lot about random emotions and feelings about being a spouse of an addict. Ive tried to sum up the major emotions felt being a spouse of an addict, yet i know i will publish more while i search for the right words to describe it. In the mean time , i thought i would get raw and honest and explain how i ended up finding my soul mate, who is also a heroin addict.

I have yet talked about how i ended up in a relationship that has changed me in every way. Partially because no one truly understands what it is like to be in a relationship with an addict, and also because im still in the process of healing. My journey in this world began five years ago, when i met this amazing man through a friend. He was charming, loving and funny! He paid so much attention to what i did, how i moved and spoke. Little did i know what was hiding behind his mask.. I never was a big fan of drugs, i partied as a teenager but would never consider myself an addict; regardless of the fact that i came from a family full of them. I had no idea what to look for , or what signs meant  RUN LIKE THE WIND ! So after a few months of dating, i became pregnant . I guess i lived in oblivion as most teenagers, because i believed in happily ever after. Oh how i wish i could sit down with my past self and knock so much sense into her!

Leading up to the days of my pregnancy, i knew he took pills once in a while, but had n idea how bad it truly was.

I remember when it all hit the fan, his double life became my reality on my 18th birthday. I turned on his phone and there was over 100 plus text messages coming in from this strange number. The moment i open them he grabs the phone and starts a fight and storms off to work. Being my clever self, i remembered the number i kept seeing register on his phone , and called it. This began the journey the cold truths of what and who he was slowly becoming.

I had my things packed that day, anticipating his return from work. I obsessed on how i was going to do it. Where i was going to stay, who was going to watch my three month old so i can look for my first job. I was set to leave and i made sure i pumped myself to not let down how i felt. But the moment he came home and the conversation took place, the manipulation dominated my naive.

The drug use continued for a few years, and mostly i was oblivious to the fact that he was using. Looking back i am not sure if i truly was oblivious, or if i was purposely hiding from the truth. He never used in my home nor brought anything to my home, it was when he would “leave for work”, was he using . I am thankful for his respect to that degree, yet it also was the stem of our fights of him denying the fact that he used in the first place. We finally landed our own apartment , and moved away from his over bearing mother who fed his addiction. I thought this was our fresh start, our new life together and we can focus on building our family. At that time he was working two jobs in the hospitality industry and brought in a little bit better than living wage.

A major mile stone for us as a family and young adults also became my own personel hell. At that apartment his devil was out in the open and hungry. Day after day i would wake up to check if he made it home, where he is on the couch nodded out and unconscious.  Coming home at odd hours of the night, and or never coming home at all.  My anxiety took a toll on me, as his addiction began to trickle like out of me. Finally i packed my stuff and i moved out. I still cant drive by that apartment without shivering. Most do not understand what the spouse goes through when finding out about the addiction. Especially when they are fully committed to their demons. Its a raw, depressing and emotional dark place. I can even comfortably say i may suffer from some post truamtic anxiety from that period of my life .

As he became weaker, i became stronger. Finally having ny own job and income and staying with family. I was building my life as a single mother at 19 years old. We were apart for a short period of time, where he minipulated me that he was clean and i went back.

Ill save you the long story, but for the next four years nothing got better. There is no right way to handle a addict. There is no handbook on how to handle situations as they came. The best thing that worked for me was research. I researched for countless hours on treatment, cognitive reactions to opiates, family support the list went on. I felt stronger understanding as much as i could.

May 9th 2016 he was enrolled in the suboxone treatment program and things began to change. He did well and then he relapsed. When addicts start treatment they are weak and fragile.  Just beginning to learn how to live life all over again. First comes the depression amd being overwhelmed.  Then the anxiety. Life is hard for normies. Let alone a person who has been stuck in oblivion for god knows how long. He entered recovery and ran. Ran with no support and fell. He fell very hard. He tried getting back up and tripped again. And kept tripping. After his 29th birthday he sustained his balance. He bagn to walk for short distances but made sure he didnt trip. He slowly stood up straighter with his head held a little bit higher. He gained his balance and his chest raised with confidence. He kept going. And he is still going.

Suboxone strips have saved his life. Also i feel now that he is 30 and entered a new life stage his brain and priorites have shifted. He has drive again, he is a father again. He is wanting to wale up each day without wanting to use, or die.

I started this post entry 2 years ago and today just checked my wordpress. I felt the need to finish it with my update.  He is still clean and half way done with school earning his business degree. He has had one slip in 2 years.

A update

Hey everyone , i know my page has been silent for awhile. I haven’t had time lately to sit down and write. Life has had me pretty busy !

I can say the light in the tunnel has been shinning brighter. My fiance has been clean now for 7 months . 7 months free of pain medication. A year and a half clean from heroin.

He did not cold turkey , yet has been using suboxine maintenance treatment.

As so many can relate, this has been a major roller coaster, and a long time coming. The one thing you prayed for, begged for, and patiently waited for happening. Sobriety. It feels like i can breath again, but the worry never goes away. The thought of them going back to their life style still hangs in the essence.

Maybe its me, and all i have endured during this process. Built up anxiety surrounded by the entire subject, or maybe the elephant is still in the room.

I cant answer if the anxiety surrounding this ever subsides. If the constant fear of this new , happy lifestyle can be ripped away by one choice they make. You want to feel comfortable, safe and secure. As if you can finally breath, and begin to live without fear and judgement. But your scared. You cant be weak and let your guard down, because in a split action, the carpet can be ripped away and the security beneath me will vanish.

The only advice i can give is to try and take it a day at a time with them. Try to be vigilant, yet not let the anxiety consume you.

easier said then done.

The unknown

The Unknown . The what ifs, the what not.

When you watch the one who holds your heart, leaving to seek their most desirable poison. Your left in a ball of anxiety. Hoping, pleading, praying… Praying they will be okay. Praying that they are safe.

Pacing every inch of this two bedroom apartment,  cleaning any surface that makes sense . But nothing makes sense. Thousands of thoughts running through my head im not sure what im doing. Every ounce of your being tingling, jumping at every sound the house makes hoping its him at the door.. Rush of disappointment quickly floods your mind, each time heightening the anxiety .

The worst part is when your thoughts begin to drift off. What if i get the call.. the call he was found O.D and i have to come identify his body. Grief dominates every emotion you’ve felt up to that point, and the pit in your stomach aches. How would life continue ?  How could i plan his funeral? Before i finish that thought,  my eyes glance down at the life insurance policy i took out on him a year ago , because of this fear. Tears begin to rush, and i quickly try and stop. NO , i can not think this way, he is okay. He will call. And when he does and i hear his voice to confirm the double sided sword. Hes okay, hes alive… but hes high. Dreading that part, dreading to hear his raspy horse voice. This voice that ignites so much anger and resentment from the pits of my soul.

Mad doesn’t describe the anger i feel towards him. How dare you put me through this? How dare you drag me across hells floor and expect me to trust? Not fear? Not hold resentment? How dare you put me in this position again! Putting my life on hold because im waiting for you to come back to the surface and catch up. All the lost opportunities because of you. All of the life experiences robbed because your addiction is thirsty. What have i done to deserve this? Why am i paying such a torturous price , giving me the man of my dreams , and him so willingly giving himself to opiates.

Im snapped out of my deep thought by the sound of my phone ringing.  it Feels like its taking me forever to reach it. I notice im trembling when i pick it up because reading the caller i.d was hardier then it should’ve been.

My heart drops..

Because its him..

I had a million things planned to say to him when or if he finally called, yet all i can mange to get out is cracked hello.


Lets talk about it; Spouse of an addict.

Addiction does not just harm the immediate individual whom is using; yet hurts every single person involved in that persons life. When people (who do not truly know much about addiction) look into the situation you are in , their judgement begins to focus on your reaction(s).

“Why are you upset, its their life”

“well if it affects you that much why are you still around?”

These are the two most judgmental, and bias opinions/questions i hear daily.  In my opinion , spouses of addicts receive the most judgement. As family can not chose to be related to an addict, yet a spouse can just so easily walk away and continue their life. Yet that is so very easily said,  rather then done. A spouse of an addict is fully invested. The spouse of an addict has seen someone behind the mess of their addiction, and is holding on to every thread left to keep that person alive. A spouse of an addict is the only person the addict has through out the entire process of their addiction. The spouse of an addict is the one person that has to take every single blow of the addiction, is the one to blame, is the one to pick up the pieces after every blow out from the use; and continue going as if life is normal to the outside world.

Yet, in our hearts we know that the person we fell in love with is still behind this mess. That person still lives behind the persona the addiction has created. There is a faint spark of light left in their soul, and that is enough for us to continue to hold on and wait. Wait for them to come to the surface again, so we can finally catch our breath.

Because the addiction hasn’t been the only side of this person. nor been the only burden on the relationship. Because once you peel back the addiction, and the layers of pain and hurt, shame, guilt.. There is a loving, caring, intelligent human being who holds your heart.

Yet, besides the pain from being in love with an addict. The spouse of an addict is the one to receive all of the blame, and the judgement. The spouse of an addict has to not only hold the weight from being with an addict, but also the weight from the judgement and poison spit at them for it. A spouse of an addict becomes isolated, not only because of the exhaustion from loving an addict, but also because no one seems to care enough to listen  or be supportive.. Yet only judge and kick them while they are already down… As if that person can take more thrown at them.